Here you will find our behind the scene moments, stories of those we are a voice for,
and the details shared from those who have joined our movement. We invite you to explore and enjoy!

Here you will find our behind the scene moments, stories that matter, and the details shared from those who have joined our movement. We invite you to explore and enjoy!


Girls are finding their voices! Take a peek at our interview with Micaela Scafani, Girls Soccer Worldwide™ Trailblazer.  She traveled with our team to mentor and offer assistance along with insight for our international program while in Paraguay.  You will see she is compassionate, provides great insight, is passionate for all things GSW. Enjoy!! GSW: Tell […]

Girls Soccer Worldwide Interview with Mica Scafani

July 10, 2020

My unsure feelings about the trip disappeared once I arrived in Paraguay. While it was our mission to help the girls there, they changed my life for the better. Before going to Paraguay my mind was restless with the stress from school, soccer, and social life, but the girls grounded me by showing me how […]

“I regained my love+ passion for the game.” -Sophia Blackwood

April 24, 2020

When I try to describe our trip to Colonel Bogado, there are two words I repeat over and over. First word is smile. You don’t have to speak the same language or come from the same country or be rich to feel the warmth of a smile. Watching the children smile and laugh while playing […]

“First word is smile, second is love.” Morgan Durham

April 24, 2020

Our world relies on numbers and statistics to illustrate success. For our trip with Girls Soccer Worldwide I could list many.  The number of girls that participated on the trip, the number of supporters we have in not only California. Spanning throughout the country, the amount of hours we spent traveling, the dedicated patrons  in […]

Our world relies on numbers and statistics.

April 23, 2020

Paraguay changed my life in the best way possible. This was a trip of a lifetime in which I was truly able to discover who I am as a person and what really matters in life. I believe that the girls I met taught me more than I taught them. They were the most patient, […]

“Life is about the people you hold close.” Allie Casey

April 17, 2020

Young girls in Paraguay will attend school this year with confidence knowing their dreams will not be a burden to their family. We use soccer as a means to connect, build relationships, and gain the trust needed to make an impact where it truly matters most: in the classroom. Families who are faced with poverty make […]

Young girls in Paraguay attending school with confidence.

March 23, 2020

Nahir Raidán Ibarra is our Girls Soccer Worldwide Program Manager in Coronel Bogado, Paraguay.  She is leading the way for equality and empowerment in a small rural town where she grew up and she believes strongly in using her voice for change. Learn more about Nahir and her involvement with Girls Soccer Worldwide in our interview […]

I was told “You must start behaving like a REAL girl.”

March 10, 2020

My name is Ashna Patel, I am 14 years old and I have been playing soccer since I was about 5 years old. I currently play for San Ramon 06G NPL.  As a 10 year old playing soccer, I always wanted to be unique, but I am not an overly outgoing person.  At one of […]

“As a 10 year old, I wanted to be unique.” Ashna Patel

March 8, 2020

This trip was life changing. I can barely put my experience into words. It not only made me more grateful for my life and to appreciate the little things but also has inspired me to use my voice to inspire others to create change as well. Throughout my life I’ve always tried to be kind […]

“This trip was life changing.” -Maille Smith

March 3, 2020

Paraguay was an amazing experience filled with many memories I will cherish forever. I will never forget how much joy I was able to create with each backpack I delivered and the smiles I received from the girls as we played soccer. The trip opened my eyes to how a common interest can unite all […]

Memories I cherish forever. -Penny M.

March 3, 2020

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@ girlssoccerworldwide

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