One of the highlights of our Ambassador for Change Leadership Program is our travel abroad to Paraguay.  Those who travel set out to make an impact in the lives of young girls 6000 miles away and return looking at life through a different lens.  

Many girls outside of the US, particularly in South America, have been discouraged to pursue success on the field and in the classroom, due to social stigmas and cultural beliefs on the role of women. Ultimately, they have been taught to limit their dreams and themselves.  Our goal is to shift this cultural mindset to one that believes girls DO belong on the playing field and DO deserve a proper education, all for the long term benefits for their own community.    

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The challenges we face internationally are different than those domestically. The goal is the same, Empowering the Next generation of Female Leaders to rise up and make a difference in their own communities, but how we get there is through a different lens.

OUR world of over used technology, over scheduled activities, and unrealistic expectations of our youth... communication, confidence, and character are being lost. The skills needed to compliment this evolution need to be a part of their daily life and all play a role in our Leadership Academy, Leading with Empathy™.


Making a difference, one girl at a time.


"Service to others is the rent you pay for your time here on earth."

"Service to others is the rent you
pay for your time here on earth."

-Muhammad Ali

As you immerse yourself in a new community over 6000 miles away for the week, you will meet girls who are just like YOU. They want the same things, they (in their own way) say the same things, and you will see authenticity in every connection. You will experience genuine appreciation and you will admire all those you meet. You will discover the girls of Coronel Bogado will give before they expect to receive.

You will work side by side with our Paraguayan Ambassador team to work in the community, learn about the Paraguayan culture, and pour into our girls empowering girls movement.  

You will want to slow down. 
You will want to be present. 
You will want to embrace each moment. 

During our travel, you will also walk alongside and work closely with our Trailblazers: women who were once Student Athletes. They've been there, done that, and are ready to talk about it! Traveling from various areas of the US, they will lead our mentorship program abroad, creating an experience that will only enhance your time away.  

From sharing the love of soccer, teaching English and delivering backpacks in our rural communities, to immersing ourselves in the day to day life of our Paraguayan families...the gift gained is empathy.


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The time I spent in Coronel Bogado, surrounded by the most wonderful and giving human beings, was life-changing in every sense of the word. Every interaction, every person I met, every conversation I had, changed me for the better. It opened my eyes and opened my heart to the humanity that ties us all together. And yet, as I sit here and try to put it into words, I am still struggling to wrap my head around it all, still trying to process everything. I know I've changed. I see it reflected in the eyes of my family. I see it on my co-workers faces when I try to describe my trip. I hear it in the voices of my friends when they try to formulate a reply to my statement "I'm not the same girl I was when I left.". It's as if a long-dormant piece of my soul has come alive and now it stubbornly refuses to go back to sleep.  The 8 days I spent in Coronel Bogado allowed me to shed the masks I don every day, to break down the walls I built around my heart and my soul. The 8 days I spent in Coronel Bogado allowed me to live my truth, allowed me to be my most authentic and genuine self.

To read more of Lexi's story, CLICK HERE

"Coming home from Paraguay in 2016, I was extremely excited to see my family and friends. I was happy to be home for a day and then I got this weird feeling in me that I've never felt before. I felt guilty for a lot of things that I had and did. My family started noticing I was very quiet and almost sad. It was hard to come home and watch people take things for granted. I even realized how many things I took for granted myself. I started getting angry at people for being so ungrateful, even for the little things. I would listen to conversations and think to myself ‘how greedy they sounded’. After coming home from a place that was filled with so many extremely grateful people, it was hard to comprehend. I've realized I shouldn't feel guilty, but instead be thankful & always appreciative.  Every time I am being selfish or ungrateful, those people and places come to my mind & I fix it immediately. I don't think a day goes by I don't think about the trip. It changed my life in the best way possible.” 


After traveling to Coronel Bogado, Paraguay with Girls Soccer Worldwide, my life was changed for the better. The 2018 trip was my second year traveling, and it gave me a more eye-opening experience and takeaway. After my first year with Girls Soccer Worldwide, I made direct changes to my life through family, friends, soccer, and school. Although the changes I made that year were necessary to my life, my attitude out of my second trip was far more significant. After returning home, it took me awhile to process everything I saw firsthand. A month later, I was hit with a realization. The 2018 trip made me realize that I wasn’t meant to just improve my life, but I’m supposed to help improve others’ as well. The 2018 GSW trip opened my eyes to all the possibilities in the world, and the plethora of opportunities I was given to change it. Not only has it motivated me to succeed in school and all of my other activities, but the trip has just motivated me to be the change...because if not you then who? If not now then when? I’m forever thankful for Pam, Walter, and the entire Girls Soccer Worldwide community for becoming such an important part in my life, for helping me blossom into the person I’d only dreamed of being.




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to learn more about our Leadership Program


GSWW has given me countless new friends, a new mindset, I guess I cannot fail to mention the stomach aches from all the laughter, but most importantly, GSWW has given me the opportunity to see the world beyond the bubble that many of us find comfort in.  As a team our goal was to inspire the young girls and fight against the struggle for women’s equality. Throughout our time there we strived to empower the girls through sayings like “Yo puedo hacerlo” which translates to “I can do it”. While it may be small, the results spoke for themselves. The body language of the girls before and after practice changed immensely, it was almost as if they have grown a couple inches taller. The girls seemed more comfortable to voice their opinions and they loved being able to play soccer on a field previously dominated by males. Above all, it seemed as is the girls felt they had a sense of belonging. The young girls of Coronel Bogado were so incredibly excited when they saw that we have shown up for practice, they were taken away at the fact that we had came all this way to see them. I was astonished by the pure joy that came from our presence. -Ashley

I have attended the GSW Paraguay trip for 3 consecutive years, and every year I learn something different, impacting me in a different way. The people in Colonel Bogado truly appreciate the life skills we help them with, and they take what we teach them and implement it in their lives. I personally think that I have evolved as a person because of this experience. I realized how lucky I am to be able to have running water, school supplies, a house, and even being able to attend school. Something that I have truly taken for granted when these girls have no other options than to stay home and help their mothers with house work. It made me more self aware and grateful for everything I have. This trip isn’t really just about soccer, it’s about connecting with people. I honestly think those girls taught me more than I could have ever learned at school or from any other trip. This amazing journey allows you to create life long bonds with people from all the way around the world, and even to this day I stay in contact with some of them. I would not trade going on this trip for anything and I can’t wait to hopefully go again!  - Kira

Lorem ipsum, 2016.

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