After traveling 6,000 miles to Coronel Bogado,

all of the bus and plane rides didn’t seem to matter anymore. Without Girls Soccer Worldwide, I wouldn’t have had the chance to see a whole new world in my point of view.

Sofia celebrating with young students after gifting them with backpacks.

There is something so calming not having to answer to any demands and be present with these kids in their everyday lives. They are so thankful for what they have even if it isn’t as much as kids have in the United States. They are dreaming big and don’t doubt themselves in achieving their goals.

Girls Soccer Worldwide Ambassadors with young girls at our partnered school at in Antequera, Paraguay.

My most memorable experience without a doubt would be giving groceries to this older women on Thanksgiving day.  As soon as we approached house her face lit up with excitement and sentimental tears. She was instantly filled with gratitude when she saw us go out of our way to do a simple gesture.

Paraguayan woman who is thankful for our visit. She shared stories about life and struggles not having an education as a young girl.

These groceries meant more to her than you could ever imagine.  

She shared life stories about how she wasn’t offered an education as a child or had access to job opportunities.  She also went into depth about her upbringing and how it had formed her life into what it is today.  I could never explain in words how much love and gratitude she has in her heart.  I can tell you this moment it is something I will never forget.

Sofia and Maille, Girls Soccer Worldwide Ambassadors in Paraguay.

This has made me thankful for what I have at my fingertips.  

Also, to not take advantage of my opportunities. With that said, I want to continue to use Girls Soccer Worldwide as a platform to help people fight poverty by giving them a better access to education and the tools that go with that.


To learn more about our Ambassador for Change Leadership Program, CLICK HERE.

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