When I say not only did I help impact and inspire the children…they inspired me. I truly mean it.

For six months prior to traveling to a small rural town in Paraguay, we collected items that would be delivered to two separate schools in need.  When I say seeing the smiles of grateful girls and boys after giving them school supplies and clothes was a life changing experience, I truly mean it!

Hayden gifting backpacks to students in Paraguay.

When the children receive cleats, uniforms, backpacks, and more it really does fill you with joy.

Paraguay helped me realize happiness isn’t based on material items, or trying to impress others.

Hayden (on the left) with Girls Soccer Worldwide Ambassadors in Paraguay.

It is important to be yourself and help others to the best of your ability.

I will forever be grateful for Girls Soccer Worldwide for introducing me to the most pure, beautiful souls, the children of Paraguay, and helping me to be part of an organization changing their lives.

Hayden with young girls in Paraguay.

I would not trade my ambassadorship with Girls Soccer Worldwide, my trip to Paraguay, and the bonds I formed for anything. I believe this experience is an opportunity that everyone should have so their eyes can be opened just like mine, while helping improve the lives of others.”


Hayden is a 2019 Girls Soccer Worldwide™ Ambassador.

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