This young girl lives in a small rural town in Paraguay where she attends a one room school with 22 of her classmates, of all ages.  They are all recipients of very few supplies and this small community makes due with what they have, in and out of school.

After receiving a backpack filled with new shoes, clothes, and school supplies she holds on tight to HOPE. HOPE of possibilities there could be more ahead for her own future. 

She felt seen, cared for, and not forgotten. 

Living in extreme poverty can make it hard to believe what you know exists outside of your own glass ceiling can belong to you, too. One of our goals is helping young girls believe in these bigger possibilities. What can seem to be a small step (and impossible one) can actually be the catalyst, the biggest of all.  It starts with HOPE.

Imagine a world where EVERY girl had access to the same opportunities around the world. She gains the confidence, courage, and character needed to succeed in life.  To gain a voice.  To become an agent of change within her own community.

This backpack delivery was the first step of many and we look forward to seeing the possibilities of girls in our small rural communities in Paraguay gain the confidence needed to become that strong leader within her own community.  Girls who are given opportunities to gain the life skills needed to succeed can become the agent of change needed bringing the next generation of girls alongside her.  This is change.  The right kind of change needed to break the cycle of poverty and it all starts with one.

WATCH a 90 second video of our visit to this school in Paraguay.

Change ONE.

Change thousands.

History shows us the most impactful way to break the cycle of poverty is to empower and educate woman + young girls, that is what we have set out to do. One community. One family. One girl at a time.

Our goals are centered around empowering the next generation of Female Student Athletes to rise up, make a difference, and become strong leaders in their own communities.  We create opportunities for girls to have access to an equal playing field, to stay in school, and to gain leadership skills needed to succeed in life.

When you partner with Girls Soccer Worldwide™ you don’t change one.  You change thousands. 

Become a Champions for Change Monthly Member TODAY! 

We BELIEVE EVERY GIRL has a voice that can change the world, starting with her own.

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